
Want to share your Love My Womb® Academy experience with others who are thinking about enrolling? We would love to hear from you. Use our Contact form to send us your feedback, testimonial, comment, or concern. Note: Most feedback will be posted on this site or LMWA's social media sites. If you do not want your submission to be shared on our forums, indicate your desire to decline having your feedback shared with the public and we will honor your request.

Chrissy Choice - Longview, TX.
"Thank God for you Ms. Honey! All I can say is I feel So much better from the delicious cuisine you prepared for us ladies, to the Yoni steaming that has given my UTERUS LIFE AGAIN!! I'm all for old school remedies, and your retreat made me understand why as Wombman we need to stick to "Our natural ancient way of natural healing" Ase!! To say the least I had been hospitalized, and had a constant pain in my lovely woman parts from having an IUD inserted two years ago after having a child. I was diagnosed with PID and a UTI, that I COULD NOT shake with any antibiotic. But since my encounter with you Ms. Honey, again NO PAIN! No abnormal discharge, and I'm back in my stilettos!! I couldn't even pick up my baby girl or perform my normal daily duties because of this foreign object the Doctors insisted I get for non child bearing reasons! So, I'm testifying if this is where your next journey should be? If you're ready for the experience of your lives Sista's? AND YES...You ARE READY!!! Go it alone, or take a friend! Just Go!! Relaxation, healthy eating, some good breathing and exercise, and most of all GETTING BACK TO YOU!! I'm a Fan!! Thanks again MS. HONEY, and to the ladies that I had the pleasure of sharing this experience with...I LOVE ALL OF YOU!! Thank you all as well, for everything. We all needed it... I Love you Tracey!! Smooches!"

Eve Morehead ~
Tacoma, WA.
"Oh my goodness! Words can't express my gratitude for Love My Womb Academy. From the initial phone conversation, I knew I made the right choice for my education. Tracey Bryant Swint is a true goddess, from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. Her knowledge and curriculum is out of this world, she has the ability to articulate words like no other, but also keep it real. The greatest gift about this learning experience was the currency. I left FULL! I have learned so much, and have been able to give what I've been given in abundance. This experience is womb changing, in many facets. The sisterhood that's developed (REAL) true divine connections. Immediately after leaving Love My Womb Academy I was able to manifest my dream, and elevate my self care. What she has bestowed upon me I will never be able to express in words."

Demetria Warren ~
Hephzibah, ATL.
"Several years ago, I was diagnosed with PCOS, and was told that I was infertile and that my best options of naturally conceiving were slim, and that I needed to go the alternative route. Well, I didn't like those diagnosis nor options, so I began my journey of self-healing. Several years past before I'd discovered vaginal steam. I tried it several times sporadically as a novelty before I'd really learned of the benefits, that’s when I found Tracey at Love My Womb Academy and signed-up! I began my self-care right away. I'd had a pre-op MRI scheduled prior, to check status of a large cyst that I’ve been carrying around for nearly three years and to proceed with having it removed. I had the appointment and went to my doctor, for results and further instructions and to my wonderful surprise he said the THE MRI DID NOT SHOW ME HAVING ANY CYSTS ON MY OVARIES! WHAT?! That was it! I couldn’t tell you the next words that came out of his mouth but It was something like "I see no need for surgery! Thank you, Tracey, for being a beacon of light in the world helping us all find balance and peace with our wombs. Because Tracey answered her calling I now have the opportunity to do the same with Love, Peace, And Blessings."

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